
Servicii de
DTP & PrePress

Grafica si Design

Un design grafic de succes reprezinta o parte integranta a oricarei afaceri. Informatia este organizata si mesajul este transmis intr-o forma estetica si de impact pentru publicul tinta.
Un site web bine construit reprezinta cartea de vizita pentru orice business, asigura prezenta online, creste credibilitatea, atrage mai multi clienti si ajuta la cresterea vanzarilor.
Daca aveti nevoie de un logo care sa va reprezinte afacerea, o carte de vizita, flyer, brosura, banner, site web sau alt tip de design grafic pentru a va dezvolta afacerea atat offline cat si online, nu ezitati sa ne contactati!


Years of Graphic Design

Years of Offset Printing

Project Completed

Returning Clients

Servicii de Publicitate


Identitate Vizuala

Identitatea vizuala este reprezentarea vizuala a unui brand si este un mix de elemente grafice care diferentiaza un brand de celelalte. Elementele principale ale identitatii vizuale sunt: logoul, fonturile, paleta de culori, imaginile, layoutul si alte elemente de design. Identitatea vizuala este furnizata intr-un manual de identitate vizuala care stabileste un set de reguli privind modul in care ar trebui sa fie reprezentat vizual brandul.


Grafica Publicitara

Designul grafic este procesul de preluare a elementelor si de modelare a acestora intr-o estetica vizuala. Designul tiparit este o parte a designului grafic care se concentreaza pe crearea de machete care sa fie utilizate pentru imprimarea pe diferite materiale. Acestea includ publicatii fizice, cum ar fi pliante, afise, brosuri, cataloage, coperti, meniuri.


Packaging Design

Designul de ambalaj reprezinta legatura dintre forma, structura, materiale, culori, imagini, fonturi si alte elemente de design pentru a face un produs potrivit pentru marketing. In industria tipografica, termenul dieline se refera la un sablon (stanta) necesar pentru a asigura aspectul corect al unui ambalaj fizic.


Digital Design

Designul digital se refera la designul care este creat pentru scopuri si dispozitive digitale. Designul trebuie sa fie atractiv, responsiv, usor de utilizat si optimizat pentru orice dispozitiv mobil. Principalele designuri digitale sunt: ​​website, aplicatii web, banner web, social media, video ads.

Creative Works

You Will Like These Design Made by Me

Lorem Ipsum Is Simply Dummy Text Of The Printing And Typesetting Industry. Lorem Ipsum Has Been The Industry's Standard.

App Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Website Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Website Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

App Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

App Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

App Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

App Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Motion Design

Gorem Ipsum is simply

Reasonable package

The Right Plan for Your Business

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur Adipisicing Sed Do Eiusmod Tempor Incididunt Labore


Do more with Dokan Using Powerful Advanced feat..


  • 3 Logo Concepts
  • Logo Transparency
  • High Resolution
  • 3 Revisions
  • Client Support


Do more with Dokan Using Powerful Advanced feat..


  • 5 Logo Concepts
  • Logo Transparency
  • High Resolution
  • 5 Revisions
  • Source File
  • Vector File


Do more with Dokan Using Powerful Advanced feat..


  • 7 Logo Concepts
  • Logo Transparency
  • High Resolution
  • 7 Revisions
  • Source File
  • Vector File
  • Business Card
  • Letterhead
  • Presentation Folder
  • Brand Guideline
  • Client Support
Estimated Prices

from 60 EUR

from 50 EUR

from 10 EUR

from 10 EUR

from 15 EUR

from 60 EUR

from 150 EUR

from 40 EUR

from 60 EUR

from 70 EUR

from 15 EUR / page

from 50 EUR

from 15 EUR / page

from 70 EUR

from 150 EUR

from 60 EUR

from 50 EUR

from 30 EUR

from 300 EUR

from 20 EUR

from 100 EUR


Working Steps

My Working Process

Concept Creation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Sketch Drawing

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Final Design

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

What Clients Say

What People Say About Us

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text”

Davis Levin
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry”

Samuel Peters
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text”

Zonalos Neko
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry”

Lana Rose
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text”

William Jon
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

‘’Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry”

Nikolas Pandde
CEO Kawasaki Inc.

My Blog

Recent blog post


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!...Read More

11 Mar


Metaverse It is described as the future evolution of the Internet. It is a virtual world where billions of people live, work, shop, learn and...Read More

11 Mar

Designing Filters That Work Best Practices and Guidelines

Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering. A physics...Read More

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    UN82 Dhanmondi Dhaka - 1207




    Agency Is A Full-Service Agency, Busy Designing And Building Beautiful Digital Products, Brands, And Experiences.

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